Friday, November 7, 2008

Welcome to a brand new day

So yesterday was kind of a bust. I just felt very....meh all day. I didn't sleep a lot & that combined with the glut of words I dredged the day before combined to make me feel a li'l tapped out, I suppose. I know, I shoulda worked through it anyway. The ironic thing is, I spent a lotta time yesterday encouraging other people to put the time in & not give up on their novels. Anyway, this morning I got home from work, I had a li'l breakfast, a li'l Doctor Who & am on my second big thermos mug of coffee, so I should be getting down to work in a few here. Today feels better. Technically, I guess I could not write at all today & not be 'officially' behind, but ya know what? I think, if I can make it to 50 & am looking back on this NaNo later, the thing that'll stand out & really bug me most, won't be the quality(or lack of) work, it'll be the days I didn't work at all. Still, it's a long way to 20k if I'm going to make it by week's end. I'll post a new count later.

Today's word is: swindle.