Friday, November 27, 2009

Embracing the Madness

*tosses a jaunty wave to the assembled* Hiya. So, I like my general premise, but for whatever reason my brain just will not get any traction on it atm. This happened before, last year's NaNo was a second attempt on a story that crashed & burned a couple NaNos previous (yes, I started from scratch carrying nothing into the new year save the concept :-P ). So maybe this just isn't the time *shrug* if that makes any sense. I think sometimes, like meeting people or trying a lot of new things really, there's a lot to be said for timing.

So, where's that leave things? Well, I've got a Day 4 level count three days from the end on a story that's totally mired on me, that's where. So...I think I may try something...a little weird. There was a second contender for this year's novel &, tho' it's late in the game & I've got just a general premise, it's gonna have several subplots & I've no CLUE how it ends, lol, I may start a new book tonight.

If my hands forgive me, lol, I'll write & tell ya how it turns out.