Saturday, October 31, 2009

On your marks....get set....WRITE!

Ok's nearly time! Good luck! I'll post my count when I'm done for the night.

New year, new novel

Hallooo gentle reader! Ok, first off, I know...I said I'd brb & that was months ago so at this point I'm likely talking to myself, but...*shrug* RL got a little crazy this summer. I'll spare you all the gory details & just leave it at it involved a trans-Atlantic move prep for some of my relatives & a scary series of hospital stays & a long recovery for another. It just wasn't the smoothest of summers & for that, I beg your indulgence. But, I'm back now & Kickoff is mere hours away. I hope this summer found you all well & one or two of you are still loitering around & you're all jazzed & ready for tonight's event(s). I know I am..., lol, or as ready as I ever am pre-NaNo.

Tonight I'm hoping luck will be on my side as I'm also sitting with my cousin's kids this evening. Cross your fingers that I can get a room full of sugar crazed young'uns chilled down to a dull roar by midnight! I've weeded down to 3 story idea, so we'll see which one shows up to get written when the time comes.

Ok...*takes big, deep breath* gotta go get the last of my prep finished & a few errands run before I take off tonight. I'll write more later & this time, barring catastrophic collapse of the internet or my demise, I should be able to hold to it this time. See ya 'round Kickoff.