Wednesday, January 5, 2011

And You Thought I Forgot

A new look for a new year. Whatcha think? I'd been considering spiffing the place up for a bit now. Anyway, how were your holidays? Mine went fine. Everybody ready to get back to work?

Went digging through my computer the other day & found notes on old projects that hadn't made it off the ground, so I might take a whack at one of them here soon. One is a fantasy about a little girl's favorite storybook & what happens when the story takes on a life of it's own. The other is about people from Earth going out among the stars & trying to establish colonies. We'll see who takes off first.

Here's my quandary: why is it so (comparatively) easy to get & keep writing in Nov, then that ambition/drive/whatever you want to call it all but evaporates before Christmas & refuses to regroup again till nearly Halloween. What's up with that?? I want to write something & I'm fully aware that there's no fiction faeries coming to save me, but man... come Christmas I turn into such a cliche! I open a file & then do everything under the sun to not write. I hem & haw, I worry over little incidentals, I convince myself it'll just completely suck before barely putting down a word....Ugh! I know logically the answer is 'shut up, sit down & write!'. I get that, honestly I do. But I also know the reality is that good habits are horrible to get started & far too easy to lose while bad ones are just the opposite. So, how do you do it? How do you keep form getting mired in fear or doubt & keep yourself on task??

I'm not going to use the word 'resolution' because I feel in a lot of cases, declaring a New Year's Resolution is roughly the same as tattooing your significant other's name on you someplace; it may be well meant & wholly valid at the time it's done, but in the end it's a bit of a death knell for whatever laudable cause you started with. So, rather than resolution, let's just say there are things I'd like to see done this year. Just a hopeful direction. Maybe that'll help...*shrug* again, I guess we'll see. So for whatever it's worth, here's what I'd like to get done this year.

- Eat more actual food & less junk
- Get myself on some sort of workable schedule, rather than my 'go till I crash, yeah, I'll eat at some point' kind of setup I've had going for far too long now
- Write, something, somewhere, EVERY DAY
- Finish, completely edited, rewrites & all, at least one of my current/previous projects
- Get back into doing my yoga at least a couple times a week & ideally on a daily basis.
- Read more regularly. I do read a fair bit, but it's a couple of books straight through, then a couple months of nothing at all.
- Read more varied things; books with space ships, superheroes, robots or dragons on the cover are great, but every other book or so, reading something different probably wouldn't kill me.

So...I think that's fairly doable, don't you? How 'bout you guys? Any goals for the new year? Any fun new projects you're writing on?

Now that I prettied the place up a bit, anything else you guys would like to see here?

Currently Reading: 'Fragile Things', and 'Smoke & Mirrors', both by Neil Gaiman
*Giggles @ 'Shoggoth's Old Peculiar' & 'We Can Get Them For You Wholesale'*