Saturday, November 21, 2009

Long time, no type.

Ok...yeah....I kinda vanished. Between having out of state relatives in town & my second week complete stand still...*rolls eyes*. I dunno what it is, i hit week two & my brain just freezes completely. After week two this year it didn't lift, it just lingered. My count is in the basement, it's just pathetic. I am still working tho' & if I can get about 20 more sessions in like i had tonight, I might actually finish, lol. Anybody want to do sprints??

I'm not sure what the problem is. I've been thinking of this story since...well, since last year, actually. the inciting event for the idea was a RL thing that happened just before last Thanksgiving. I think it's a combination, atm, of RL stresses & that I'm stuck in all the boring, set up/exposition stuff. I thought of just skipping ahead to the "good stuff", but that'd just be a truckload of words I'd lose so...

How's your story going?