Thursday, December 4, 2008

Life After NaNo

So here it is a few days into the offseason & my rushed haze from November is finally starting to fade. Can you have a writing hangover, do you think? I still have to finish the last half of the final scene of my novel, it should only be a couple thousand words, but somehow I just can't get myself to do it. I'm not certain if it's just with the hullabaloo of NaNo officially over that I'll slide back into my usual slacker ways, or if it's that then it'll be officially, completely over.

Maybe it's because I've read a few books I really liked....until they totally fell on their face at the ending. I do not wanna be that book.

I'm looking for some after NaNo writing to do, besides shiny new game things obviously. I've gotten on request that I join up on NaNoFiMo (finishing month), which I've given some thought to. Their stipulations are putting 30k on an unfinished piece. And I was planning to reopen my first NaNo & try finishing it off as this newest one & I took a bit of a breather before rewrites. Maybe I'll try that there, rather than after Christmas as I'd originally thought. I've signed up on a couple writing forums as well & am considering joining a critique group.

Anyway, just a little something to let you know I'm still out there. Oh, welcomes go out to Cheri, my region's illustrious ML & Salambander, my newest blog followers. Salambander, you have a gorgeous blog, really. Very clever & clean with a cool background! *applauds*


NJ Carroll said...

AWwwwww you're killing me!!
What happens next?????
I'm dying here!!!

Pocket Muse said...

*waves hi!*

Please do NaNoFiMo. Please, please? Pretty please with whipped cream and a cherry on top, please!?

hee Enough whiney-ness to convince you?

I hear you on the writing hangover. I have written 0/30k so far this month. I aim to change my situation tonight though. =)

Happy writing!

Anonymous said...

Aaaaw, thanks. I didn't make the layout though.

Yours is awesome too. I'm planning to spend my writing breaks reading through some back entries.
