Thursday, November 20, 2008

Yep, still writing

Ok, I'm still going! Oh & cuz she just crossed the 50k threshold today, gotta give a shout out to Silke! *applauds* I knew you could do it!!

Just logged about 400 new words & I thought I pop in for a sec. I want to hit 30k tonight. Last night was fun & I was half tempted to keep running with the scene I was in, but it was time to check in on one of the other groups. Last night was also interesting because it's the closest in some ways to my actual life. In it we discover that Zhi & Josh have a long standing on again, off again thing. I have someone like that in my RL; a guy that's been anything from friend on, who there've been times I spent all my time with him & others I haven't spoken to him in years. There are days, tho' not nearly as many as there used to be, lol, that I wish things were different & we could be together, tho' I know that once the initial excitement wore off, I'd be miserable again, lol. And there are days when I just wanna smack the crap outta him, LOL. That's kinda where Zhi & Josh are. I'm not certain just yet where they'll end up on the spectrum. I'm so accustomed to writing superheroes & spacemen & things wholly removed from my life, it was interesting pulling something real.

Ok, I'm gonna stop for an hour to grab some supper & Survivor time. I know, lol, it's dumb, but it's fun. Anyway, I'll see you later after I'm done for the night. Happy noveling!

Have you ever pulled a direct real life sorce into your writing? Tell us about it.