Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Final Hurrah

Ok...I'm back, I'm refreshed & I woke up with my book on my mind, so I'm reasonably certain my brain has forgiven me for what I put it through yesterday. From when I started yesterday to when I passed out this morning I think I wrote almost ten thousand words. Yowzah! I'm currently at 43,396 & all i have left is the final scene. If for some reason that doesn't fill enough, though I'm fairly certain it will, I'm recycling part of my opener as an epilogue.

OK, and there'll be more on this later tonight or tomorrow when I write my post-NaNo post, but I just wanna say thanks to all of you that followed along with this blog. And thanks to all my cheerleaders. You guys really helped make this happen! Cuz, let's face it, it's a lot harder to pun out in front of a crowd, lol.

See ya when I have a book.

Brain Fried

I have less than four thousand words left! But, I'm heading to bed. I want to finish cuz it's just right there, but I'm exhausted & my brain is turning to goo & threatening to pour out my ears in protest of my extended abuse of it if I don't sleep.

Anyway between when I started yesterday & now I wrote almost 10k, so that's pretty exciting. All that's left is the final scene & maybe, depending on the count, an epilogue. I'd be more enthusiastic if I weren't so tired I had to keep going back & fixing things in this post. Hooray for spellcheck! This last chapter or so's gotta be looking real pretty, lol.

See ya when I get up.

Friday, November 28, 2008

On to the Summit!

I'm at just over 40k. Wow...That boggles my mind. I'm **this far from having a finished first novel! maybe * *this far, but still... I'm nearly there!! I'm nearly finished with the first draft of my first novel & what's more, I have plans for when I rewrite it in a couple months! And more than that, I have plans for my writing between then & now, how cool is that!?!

By Sunday I'll be done & will spend most of my time giggling like a crazy person & sighing the relieved sigh of someone that never thought they'd be able to manage something really difficult, but did. After that I'm still not really done though. I'm going to hunt up a few beta readers to take a look at things. Plus, and this may wait until after Christmas, I'm pulling out my first NaNo, dusting it off & I'm going to reread it to see if I can pick it back up & finish it!

About the time I'm through with that, cuz though I don't plan to dawdle, I won't have the NaNo of Damocles hanging over my head, that should warrant enough time to distance my brain from this year's novel.Then starts the ever exciting world of rewrites. I'll go through this year's a time or two, and then if I get frustrated/bored/need space/whatever, I'll go through my first NaNo. By NaNo next year, it's possible that I ma have to, actual, full blown, finished novels that are worth reading & maybe even paying money for. That is exciting! But ya know...'saleable' or not, I just love the idea that they'll be finished for me. I'll have two completed pieces that are stories I like & find interesting.

That is awesome.

I figured out my ending this morning. All I have left is wrapping the scenes with J&Z and E&J & getting them back to the city so they can all meet back up, put the stuff together & get where they're going. Once there, it's the ending & them discovering all the whys & wherefores. On one hand, the prospect of nearly being done is great for a number or reasons, but on the other...I know some percentage of the group isn't going to make it & that's going to be tough.

Depending on how that scene feels once it's done, I may go back & recycle my first scene to show the world after that & how it may (or may not) be changed because of it. We'll see when I get a little closer. I've got a bunch of things that I want added or expanded come rewrite season. So much that was either tossed aside for the sake of 'there's really not time right now, I need to just keep going' that'd add detail to the world or chars. I'm anxious to see what it all looks like after it's totally finished, though I know a lot of people hate their NaNos, I've really enjoyed mine...for the most part.

Ok, I'll check back later. I have a book to finish.

I Think I May Be Stuc...Scratch That! I Think I Know How My Book Ends!!

Ok, whoever said writing got so much easier once you hit the 30k mark wasn't writing my book. Yes, alright, some things are simpler; not so much setup, actually getting down to downing things, etc, etc. But, on the other hand, now I'm trying to see the ending in the distant fog, its still hidden and so I'm bumbling along uncertain of how to get things tied together. I have three pairs of chars who've been off hunting for various items. Each item is a clue to the central problem: why are all the gods dying off.

One pair, Bram & Gus, got theirs easy & so they headed home before the others had even found theirs. For them I had someone rob the diner they'fd been waiting in, so the item, a map, could be stolen so they'd be forced to chase it down & thus kill a little tiime while the others were still looking.

The next pair, Jubes & Erin, found their item, a small carved box. I'm not sure yet what it's importance is. I'd thought of making it a puzzle box, but that really only delays my having to DECIDE exactly WHAT IT IS!!

*sigh* Sorry 'bout the yelling, that was for me, not you. Anyway, the third pair, Josh & Zhi, are still looking. They just found a something, but jumped to the next scene because i don't know what it is yet.

So here's what I'm thinking... the pieces are somehow cooperative. Like, maybe the box has a necklace (or some such) in it that fits into the whatever it is that J&Z just discovered & the map leas them to whatever it is that'll put all these things together to a useful (and hopefully interesting & wordcount heavy) purpose. The box was found in the base of a statue that had Jubes' name on it, I'm thinking the whatever that J&Z find'll had something similar, one of their names or a likeness. That'd leave me with putting something likewise on the map - not too hard a task, as they haven't gotten to sit around & look too long at it while undisturbed.

Some predetermined thing from way back, even before them, which leads to what's before them. i did a bit on that in the Josh/Zhi scene, they found some old temple to some precursor god, and I think whatever happened to him is what's happening to them & maybe all these items'll fit together to stop it...or at least lead them to someplace that'll explain it maybe. *ponders*

That could maybe be something...

Ok.....ok, I think I've got it.

LOL, thanks for listening to me prattle outloud. This was a lotta help.

Happy 50th Post!!

Wow, I know it may not seem like a big landmark in the blogging world where some have posted for years, I don't think if you took all the logs, journals & diaries I've attempted to keep & rolled them all up together they wouldn't make 50 posts, lol.

Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it. I hope you all had wonderful dinners & some memorable moments with whoever you shared the day with.

Anyway, I have to get back to the book, time's running short. I'm writing till the words start to swim because my afternoon's going to get blown via my Grandparents' annual 'oh god...what're we gonna do with all this stuff?! Come help up eat some of these leftovers!' annual leftovover purge, lol. It's the sequel to a nice meal & a little extra time with everybody, which is great, but not real conducive to adding words. So today, take a little time, have a nice turkey sandwich, then go write.

Does a looming deadline, rushing up to meet you help or hinder your writing?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Oh, bugger....this is a steep ascent! *sobs* Where's the sherpa to carry all my stuff?!? Oh well, I just hit 33,514 & my brain is so fried as I pretty much didn't sleep today (yeah....that was a good move, right?) But, I AM NOT GOING TO BED 'TIL I HIT 35K! *ggrrr!* Sorry to holler, that was really more for my benefit than yours, lol.

On the plus side, I have a little NaNo monitor/predictor thing on my Firefox which had been ticking happily along, well in the green for about half the month. Of late it'd switched to the glaring 'what have you been doing?!?' red & just now I finally hauled it back into the 'c'mon, pick up the pace, you're nearly there!' brown again. Go me.

On one hand the book is getting kind of exciting; the chapters are filling out of their own accord, gone are the intro & just light running around days & now I'm into the more substantial complete the mission, use the clues, solve the puzzle stuff. It's fun & I like seeing how things shake out. The only drawback is, all that takes a bit more thought & planning & while the momentum is faster, the process itself is slowing up a bit with the new influx of more complex details.

Still...35 is just around the corner & from there 50 isn't far off...not really. So, I'm off to do another sprint or two...or five or however many it takes to drag my beleaguered brain over the 35k mark. See ya tomorrow.

Oh & a quick hello to my newest follower. Hello! *waves* Thanks for stopping by.

Monday, November 24, 2008

WOOHOO! 30k! Onto the summit!!

Just a quick note to say hey, 'Hey!' & let you know I just passed 30k a bit ago. Woohoo! I know that means I still have 20k left, which sounds undoable in the less than a week remaining, but, if you don't say 'I have to write a whole 'nother twenty thousand words!?!' & instead go 'huh, that's like 4 k a day, I'm averaging 7-800 per half hour sprint...yeah, that's not so bad. Couple sprints in the morning, one or two in the afternoon, a couple more to finish the day & I can knock that out, easy!'.

In other news, there's a few things I've noticed as this wears on: one, fights (as in arguments. Physical confrontations, in my experience, have an opposite effect) go by really, really fast! And two, the more I write on this, the longer each chapter gets, lol. When i started & broke the coterie into pairs, each revisiting of a pair was a chapter &, just as it worked out, each chapter was only a couple pages long. Now though, the scenes feel like they're just stretching farther & farther. I'm not complaining about the phenomena, lol, just noticing.

Ok, it's back to my

Sunday, November 23, 2008

I'm going, I'm going

Alright, it took a li'l it to get started, a bit more so than I'd planned even, but I'm writing again. Ya know, one of these days after I'm finished & have, at the very least run spellcheck, I'll post a few bits from the novel. For the time being, my friend Gypsy is the only one reading it. She also NaNos so she doesn't mind the mess quite so much. For her I'll just say this: that thing with the jukebox...? *nods* Based on an actual even. No, seriously. I was there when it happened. Lol, that should drive her sufficiently nuts for a bit as I'm still writing the scene in question & she won't see it 'til it's posted later today.

I'd also like to give a quick Hello! to my new 'followers'. Thanks for stopping by. Also, I haven't done Word of the Day for a few days because the friend that asked for one originally finished her novel the other day, wahoo! But, just for fun & in honor of her oldest boy, I'll give you one last. Today's word is: birthday!

Ok, back in a while, hopefully hauling a fatty wordcount behind me.