Friday, November 28, 2008

I Think I May Be Stuc...Scratch That! I Think I Know How My Book Ends!!

Ok, whoever said writing got so much easier once you hit the 30k mark wasn't writing my book. Yes, alright, some things are simpler; not so much setup, actually getting down to downing things, etc, etc. But, on the other hand, now I'm trying to see the ending in the distant fog, its still hidden and so I'm bumbling along uncertain of how to get things tied together. I have three pairs of chars who've been off hunting for various items. Each item is a clue to the central problem: why are all the gods dying off.

One pair, Bram & Gus, got theirs easy & so they headed home before the others had even found theirs. For them I had someone rob the diner they'fd been waiting in, so the item, a map, could be stolen so they'd be forced to chase it down & thus kill a little tiime while the others were still looking.

The next pair, Jubes & Erin, found their item, a small carved box. I'm not sure yet what it's importance is. I'd thought of making it a puzzle box, but that really only delays my having to DECIDE exactly WHAT IT IS!!

*sigh* Sorry 'bout the yelling, that was for me, not you. Anyway, the third pair, Josh & Zhi, are still looking. They just found a something, but jumped to the next scene because i don't know what it is yet.

So here's what I'm thinking... the pieces are somehow cooperative. Like, maybe the box has a necklace (or some such) in it that fits into the whatever it is that J&Z just discovered & the map leas them to whatever it is that'll put all these things together to a useful (and hopefully interesting & wordcount heavy) purpose. The box was found in the base of a statue that had Jubes' name on it, I'm thinking the whatever that J&Z find'll had something similar, one of their names or a likeness. That'd leave me with putting something likewise on the map - not too hard a task, as they haven't gotten to sit around & look too long at it while undisturbed.

Some predetermined thing from way back, even before them, which leads to what's before them. i did a bit on that in the Josh/Zhi scene, they found some old temple to some precursor god, and I think whatever happened to him is what's happening to them & maybe all these items'll fit together to stop it...or at least lead them to someplace that'll explain it maybe. *ponders*

That could maybe be something...

Ok.....ok, I think I've got it.

LOL, thanks for listening to me prattle outloud. This was a lotta help.


NJ Carroll said...

Can't wait to read the whole thing!! When you finish, I'm going to read the whole thing over!