Friday, November 14, 2008


That dull thus you may have heard a few days back was me running directly into the dreaded Second Week slump. It's a delightful little combo platter of ' what?!?' with my plot & my brain deciding 'what? We're not technically behind until Thursday!' Last week I was so gunning for 20k, and the closer I got, the more & faster I wrote. Since then I've done just over 1,000.

So, let that be a lesson to you; setting a big goal in NaNo is great. Reaching it feels AWESOME! But, once you climb that mountain, don't get complacent, there's another peak right behind it, so pick up you pack & move!

What's your best tip for unblocking/keeping momentum?


NJ Carroll said...

My best tip for unblocking or keeping momentum. I get up from the story and go do something else, keeping my mind on what I was doing. Sometimes it helps. My favorite is a long bubble bath or shower. You're relaxing and sometimes the walls just crumble.

Seth and Libby, Detectives said...

I set a timer. If I feel reluctant to sit down and write for any reason I set my kitchen timer for 10 minutes and make myself sit in front of my computer screen, telling myself that if I really can't write I'll let myself get up once the timer goes off. Usually, I start writing after minute three. Try it!

Anonymous said...

What I do when I can't get a grip on my story and need to unblock is to walk away for an evening, go take a long, hot bath and read something. Anything. Anything but my own stuff. Reading someone else's words poured onto the page oftentimes gives me new word material for my own writing and for a day or two, I draw heavily upon intriguing words I have found in the story I just read. For me, it works.
Or .. I ask a friend to supply me with a random word to incorporate into my writing, and then, the mere intrigue over how the heck I am going to make these highly varied words fit keeps me hooked ;)

Meg: said...

Well, did your creative juices wake up?

novelist in training said...

Meg: No, lol, not really. I got tackled pretty hard by the Week Two wall & can't seem to shake it yet, but I'm trying.

Gypsy: Yeah, I do step back for a bit, but I tend to get sidetracked entirely if I do that too much.

Amphora: I've become a big fan of sprints this year. Trouble is, now I have a hard time getting motivated outside them.

Silke: Hmm...Word of the day, huh? Wonder where I could find one of those ;)