Friday, November 4, 2011

The Story So Far

We're half way through Week One (I know, right?! Where'd it all go?!?) & I'm a bit behind. I'm also not tremendously worried about being behind. NaNo is, after all, a marathon, not a sprint. But just what the heck is my problem? Well, it's like this, I quite stupidly started with no characters & no plot. Which is pretty thin, even for a total pantser like me. What i did have was a picture in my head, so I started with that, just describing what I saw & branching out from there. And, at least to my mind, it's some pretty interesting stuff. I've got my main character intro'ed, along with a couple of secondaries &, though he hasn't made a physical appearance just yet I've referenced heavily on another char.

Part of my problem, besides having to pull every little thing from the ether, is new worlds. Every job or title or gadget has to be named & described because I just made it up. And then once it's in the book & still fresh in my mind, it has to go in my Notes file so 15 or 20 pages down the road I remember what everything did/was called/etc. It's interesting making stuff up from scratch, but it takes a minute.

I'm also considering doing a few illustrations to go with; my main, her with her brother, at least one of the ships, a few of the locations & gadgets. We'll have to see what my imagination & skills can come up with.

TIll then, True Believers...


Daisy said...

Just want to wish you luck with your novel.

novelist in training said...

Thanks very much, Diane :)