Thursday, July 9, 2009

A quick hello before the day starts

Hello! See? That was quick! But seriously folks *pantomimes Groucho's cigar* I know I came back & promptly vanished again & for that I apologize. Some family things cropped up of late that've been occupying my time & mind. More on that in a while, for now I'll just stick to saying that life has been scary & weird & it's all making me feel both very, very old & far too young all at once.

On the lighter side of the news, I think I may be becoming a myspace apps junkie. So, if anybody out there plays something, let me know & chances are that I play too. If you're interested, let me know I'm always happy to get more family/crew/housemates/neighbors/whatever.

Writing is still going, all be it slowly. I need to find a way to kickstart my brain into the same sort of focus & intensity I somehow manage to muster in Nov, regardless of the date. Any suggestions? Sorry this is a short post, it's almost time to get the kid up & around. Connection permitting, I'll add more once I'm home.