Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New Books!

So I went shopping today & three guesses what I bought. I got Watchmen, which I've read before, but it was a borrowed copy & was a while ago. I wanted to reread it before seeing the movie, plus I wanted a copy of mine own just because it's that good. If you've never read Watchmen & are one of those 'comics are just dumb kids' stuff' kind of people go buy it. Or indeed, V for Vendetta which I liked even better. They'll change your tune in a hurry. I may be a bit biased though, if Alan Moore wrote a book on making a ham sandwich, I'd want to read it.

Yes, he's that good.

Don't believe me? Ask Neil. He has a whole section of his blog entitled '
why Alan Moore should be made Wizard of England'. Now, I'm clearly not English, but if I were, he'd have my vote for the job. And speaking of, I got two new Neil Gaiman books (because he is also just that good) today. I now have Stardust & Anasasi Boys to add to my collection. I've yet to read either; cuz let's face it, they were bought this afternoon & even I don't read that fast, but I have movie of Stardust, so I'm looking forword to seeing it in it's original form.

And finally, I got A Lion Among Men, the third book in the Wicked Series. I'll tell ya how it turns out.

Ok, I'll write more when I'm properly rested, lol. It was a long day & I have 2 more hours of zombie-like wanderings at work before I can go home. Hope everything's well with you.


AS-4-L said...

I've always wanted to read The Watchmen but now there is a movie about it the chance is lost; it's just "the rule" that anyone who buys a comic after a movie has been made of it is a plastic fan. I just thank God I read The Crow before the movie was made (showing my age there….)