Sunday, November 2, 2008

Welcome to Week One

So the first day of my '08 novel went, I think, fairly well. I finished out the day at 3032 words, nearly twice my daily minimum. Plus, I figured out a few things that might be helpful, like oh, say...the point of the story, lol. I don't wanna get too ahead of myself, but I think I figured out why these people are all coming together & what their goal will be before the end. I'm very excited! The short, short explanation is, they're going to notice a trend in their particular community & will have to decide whether to fall to it themselves or try to change things to stop it where it is. The one will make them all individually reassess their place in the world & what they think on how life is going, while the other will risk toppling their current lives, exposing their true nature & possibly failing anyway. It should be fun.

I'd like to end today above 5k somewhere. But, before I start, I have GOT to go hunting for names, lol. I'm into my second chapter & no one's been properly names yet. And, I can't go through the whole book calling people by pronouns & descriptions. True, there's only one 'the Asian girl' or 'the red haired woman' or 'the pompous guy', but that doesn't mean I want to refer to them as that 3,700 more times. I know who they are; that one's Zeus, this one's Clotho, etc, etc, I just can't go around calling them that in their modern, everyday life all the time. I thought about keeping them with names from their original regions, but that won't always work either. Hathor, for instance, is an Egyptian goddess. Most 'popular' Egyptian names are, in fact, other goddesses. Pass, ty. It wouldn't be too hard to come up with a Greek name for Zeus, but his char's on tv & something like....'Stavros Anatopolis' isn't a very 'tv friendly' name. I don't wanna just have them be 'John' & 'Mary' (which are perfectly fine names, just not ones I want an entire coterie of gods to be called) or what have you, so I have some digging to do today, so, wish my luck as I go name hunting.

Oh, the link to my anniversary pep talk anthology thing came today, so I've been reading that. It was one of the thank you gifts from my OLL donation & it was sooo worth the money. Lol, I really dig Chris(the NaNo founder), he's a riot & at the same time, really encouraging.

Ok, I'm off to find things to call people....Ya think 'Hey you!' #1-5 would be too much??
Oh, and to whom it may concern, today's word is 'accentuate'.