Saturday, November 1, 2008

After my first night noveling...

I think it went pretty well last night. i hit my word goal, which is nice. I'm going to try for another 1667 or so later tonight too. It's always good to get the word counts flowing when you can, cuz some days it's going to be tough.

So, I was just starting the set up this morning & the story begins (and returns to, through out the novel) this diner. I was describing the waitresses that were there & as I went on about them, it hit me....Omg, that's the Fates!! Lol, I hadn't intended to have those lovely ladies of destiny spinning fame included, but it's nice they showed up all the same. Also, I didn't jump right into the hole pack of chars as, originally, I'd guessed I would. In fact, the way th scene's shaking out, I may stagger them in a chapter or two at a time. We'll see how things go. I'm still pretty hazy on details, but ya know...that doesn't really bother me. It just means I leave room for the story to follow its own path rather than trying to force something predetermined.

In other NaNo news, I got up this morning & sent a donation in to the office of Letters & Light. I'd been wanting to the last couple years, but as i got paid last night, lol, & it was kickoff day, it just seemed a really good time. To those of you that may happen through here & not know, the OLL is the administrative power behind NaNo, Script Frenzy & the Young Writers' Program. They manage all the programs & handle the funding for those, the servers, the staff, supplies, sort out that years merchandise, set the MLs up with live Write Ins goodies & all manner of other writely, non profit, faeirie godmothery type little miracles. So, if you happen to find yourself with an exrtra $10 or something around November, enhance your noveling karma & help sustain these great programs.

Ok, PSA time is over, tho' I do mean it. Oh, for those interested, I mentioned my friend wanting a word a day. Well, she asked for another practice word & I gave her 'aggregate & for her Kickoff word, she got 'holistic'. And yes, in case you're wondering, I do just kind of pick words out of the air, lol, more or less. She says it's helped her tho', maybe i should try using them. lol.'

Ok, I'm off to get some sleep. I know, I said that hours ago, but alas, that didn't go quite as smoothly as anticipated. So, I will post again today if I manage another session, if not, I'll see you all tomorrow. Happy noveling!