Wednesday, November 5, 2008

And at the end of the day

Ok, it was sprint-a-thon day. Word sprints are when you & a group of friends pick a set time frame, write like mad, then break briefly & compare counts, talk about twists, problems & anything else about your story & then, you go again. My group tends to do 35/10 sprints. Today, I did eight. I'd never done word sprints before this year, but wow, from now on, I'm gonna! Nearly all my writing has been in sprints this year & today I started around 6k & am finishing the day at 11,798. Cha-ching! I'm gonna try to hit 20k by week's end. Wish me luck.

Along the way, I split the chars up into separate scenes, one pairing is totally antagonistic with each other, one's very friendly & the other has fallen prey to my first real pitfall...literally. Poor Coyote crashed through the ground & is current stranded, lol. Plus, for Gypsy, at some point the diner which is my main setting, is getting robbed. And what's more, it's getting robbed by a guy with an alligator tattoo, lol. Orginially she suggested
having somebody just up & heave an alligator through the window, lol. I gave it some thought, but I just couldn't figure out were somebody would get a gator in the middle of a city, much less how they'd get the thing around to heave it through a window, lol. But then again....maybe when the time comes, I'll get inspired.

Hope your novels are going well.