Sunday, November 27, 2011

It's alive....Alive!!!

So this NaNo is going a bit differently. I stalled, HARD, right after starting. I hit 5k....then nada. Not that i wasn't writing, I was, just not on my book. The book was illusive, nebulous and I simply had no clue where to go with it. Now, after weeks of nothing, I'm writing on it again. I'm still not sure where it will end up, but I'm working on a scene at a time and that seems to help.

As an added bonus, I folded in a couple of short stories I've done recently (both are my work & were created during November, so they count) and between them and the writing I've done in the last couple of days I've gone from 5k to just past 18k.

50k's a lonnng way off yet, but seems nowhere near as unattainable as it did even yesterday morning.