Monday, October 31, 2011

Another Year, Another Book

Is it just me, or did Kickoff Night come up out of nowhere this year?? Yes, logically I knew it was always there on the horizon. I tend to start mulling my next novel over just after my birthday in August every year, but for some reason this year's just went from a hazy shape in the distance to standing there staring me in the face in, seemingly, nothing flat.

So from my timezone Kickoff's just under three hours away. I have only the vaguest inkling of what my book's about this year, but that's not at all unusual for me. This year it's less about the words in my head than it is a picture that's been parked in my mind's eye for a couple of weeks now. I have this image of a girl looking out from the front of a boat & as the scene pulls back you see it's a flying ship & back further still that it's part of a fleet of flying ships cruising over a steampunkish cityscape. So, I'm going to start with the girl. She's clearest, then hopefully working on her a bit will help me find who this flying navy is & where they're going. Wish me luck. Till then, I have a couple hours left (and am feeling surprisingly calm considering I have a basically blank slate, lol) & there's a few things I have left to do before I start.

See ya after ;)