Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Greetings & salutations, gentle reader! I'm back! My cyber exile has come to an end & wow, could it have taken a little longer?? Lol. I'll not gloat overmuch about my return lest I tempt the cyberdeities again, will mearly say I missed you all & am thrilled to be back.

It's about dawn here so I'm not going to get too far into things just now, but with regular computer time not an option, I've been doing a lot of reading & a bit of writing as well. Without access to my game I was forced to, brace yourselves, write for myself rather than other people's projects & plots. I know right? I was pretty amazed too. And I've gotta say, tho' nothings finished yet, I have anywhere from sketchy outlines to several page starts on 4-5 ideas I think have promise. What's surprised me is the type of things that've been cropping up to be written; YA stuff & a children's book, complete with meter! I don't even read things that're in meter! Lol, generally speaking I hvae ZERO sense of rhythm & flow in that regard, yet there it comes cadencing through my mind anyway. Still sticking to various sci fi & fantasy realms, I'll post ore detail later.

The most recent things I've read were; The Veiled Threat, the novel between the Transformers movies, Anthem by Ayn Rand, novella that's sort of Atlas Shrugged meets THX1138 & have just started Sandman vol 1 Preludes & Nocturnes, Neil Gaiman's graphic novel series ala ten handy volumes.

And you all know how I love Neil.

Ok, that's it for our second innaugural posting. Feel free to holler at me if you're still around. I'll post again soon.