As I may have mentioned once, or about 15 times lol, I write on role playing games. Well, my longest running & favorite is an X-Men game, where I play 3 chars as well as Mod. I started writing in RPGs &, if you can find a good one, they're a great place to write. You can create an original char to play in a world you love, sometimes nab a canon char you've always liked reading & write them as their own or even start a communal writing experience in a world entirely your own. I like it because, unlike the solitary venture of novel writing, it's communal. There's back & forth that is not only fun & challenging, but can spark some really great ideas. What's more, a lot of games go on for quite some time so you get a chance to see your char(s) grow & evolve.
My game has just revamped & is about to start up a whole new chapter in the story. The plot is about to take a twist that'll take things in a new direction & now is a great time to step into the world. Yes kids, that's right, this is the obligatory Game Plug Post. So, without further ado, I give you Graymalkin:
Everything evolves; species, people, dreams. Professor Charles Xavier dreamed of a world where humans & mutants could peacefully coexist. But, the world had other intentions & Xavier's dream had to change. After the sudden revelation of the true nature of his school to the public Xavier & his X-Men had to evolve. They'd been thrust into the spotlight & life would never be the same.
Now the next era dawns with a new home in San Fransisco. The Graymalkin Foundation has become the new training ground of the X-Men. Scott Summers leads the Foundation in teaching a new generation of mutants about their powers, training a new crop of heroes & in furthering Xavier's dream of peaceful co-existence.
Come join us at the Graymalkin Foundation for new challenges & new adventures. Help us forge a new chapter in the X-Men mythos.
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