Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Yeah....I know

So, you may have notice, I kidna vanished for a bit there. Sorry. I slammed into the Week Two wall & just could not seem to pry myself off the bricks for a few days. I dunno what the problem was, I just couldn't construct a sentence or figure a direction or anything recently. I've just been completely walloped by this writing malaise & as much as I've hated it, I couldn't seem to get out from under it. Apologies to those couple of you that've been reading this consistantly, I promise I'll try harder to suck it up in the future.

But, on the plus side, as peculiar & nebulous as my gloom, the sun comes again! I dunno & I'm not gonna examine it too hard, lol, but tonight, I WANT to write!! So, pardon as I cut this short. I'm @ 22k & change atm, think I can hit 15k before the night's out??

Today's word is: clarion