I decided, I ran, I bounced off that wall hard enough to make even Wolverine's head spin for a moment or two. And, in that moment or two, dazed & spinning & half deaf from the fresh clanging reverberating in my ears...I went a li'l bats for a few. And then, I wrote about it. I promise, I shall endeavor to keep my meltdowns to a bare minimum, lol, unless they'd just make really good reading & then you may get them anyhow.
So, back to work. The last few days have made progress on the novel, though it's been slow. In the last three days I've written no more than 500 words a day on it. I'm not too upset as it's not a complete stall, but I'm not thrilled either. I'm trying to make a point of writing at least something every day. If it's 200 words instead of 2000, well at least it's 200 more than had been there before.
I think I'm also giving up my word counter. Lol, to allay all the 'no!, you can't do that!' I just heard from the room (along with a few snarky 'well, that'd be pretty stupid!') let me explain. I don't mean entirely, I just mean I'm taking it off the toolbar & leaving back where I have to actually go get it. That way, I hope, I won't be so tempted to hit it every other paragraph.
Word counting every other paragraph; rather that at the end of a session/the end of the day, may sound helpful, but to me it isn't. You type away & it feels like you've been going forever because this bit is just flying or that one drags so long. And then, all excited & knowing you've written acres of words, you check you count & find...yeah, not so much. Your mind (and sometimes your fingers) felt like you'd just put miles behind you until that little total popped up to burst your bubble. So, give
the count a rest for a bit. It'll be waiting for you at the end of the day.
Today's word is: sanguine.
Ever had a writing meltdown? What set yours off? Bad word count? RL messes? Chars that are screaming for a timeout? Conversely, any writing triumphs? Deciding to become a professional? Seeing your name in print? Just a really great bit of dialog? Let us know, we love stories here ;)
Meltdown me? At least once a writing session. Some, I suppose, are entertaining to watch. Imagine this, me sitting there talking to the monitor like it's one of my kids..."Don't you tell me that you're going to do that! You're MY character and I tell YOU what you're going to do." What sets them off? You name it, I've probably done it.
Have you been watching me? LOL Guilty as charged with the word count checking. Thought not so much this year as last year. So maybe next year...I won't do it at all until I'm done for the day. LOL Yeah right too! LOL
Writing meltdowns? Eh .. never. Never happens. Naeh. Though .. well .. yeah, basically every darn session. Sometimes loud enough that it actually wakes the kids *chuckles* Have you ever pouted at one of your characters? You should try it sometime - it's interesting and only makes you feel like .. oh .. an idiot, maybe?
But .. yes, I will see myself in print. HA! I have resolved that for myself, and will self-publish a novel I am writing. Why self-publish? Because I'm entirely too chicken to submit it to the publishers and get knocked down. But as a lifelong dream to see my writing printed, I asked friends and family to only give me money for that undertaking for my 30th bday, so I have that stashed away and waiting for when I'm done polishing stuff up.
My name is Silke and I too think that I'm a writer. And who knows - maybe somebody else out there will agree with that assessment one day. Until then, I'll just keep plodding along. And so should you!
Of course I have, Gypsy honey! Didn't you notice the actual pixies in your Pixie Stix?? S'ok, I talk to my computer all the time, lol.
Of course you are, Silke! You're awesome!
Lol, alas, I may have too much of a masochistic streak to keep from hurling myself at actual publishing(with editors & companies & all) someday.
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