Monday, October 20, 2008

11 Days to NaNo

So, I could be wrong (cuz you never can tell until you're actually writing), but I think I just thought of the start of my book. What's more, I think I thought of the start of my book, plus TWO backups! Wahoo! Which reminds me... I haven't told you what I'm writing yet.

Ok, here goes. I was watching tv a while back & saw a commercial for something or other that was a god's name/likeness; Mercury cars, Venus get the idea. So I got to wondering, if I were an old god & saw my name being used to shill for *insert merchandise here* how would I take that? Is it a testament to the iconic power of these beings that even after centuries, sometimes millenia they're still considered to hold enough sway that their names carry weight like that? Or, would they be irked by the notion that once they were loved, feared, etc by hundreds, even millions (and, with some gods, still are in the right circles) & now are being traded on to peddle somebody's stuff. If you were a god, would you be ticked?

So I started thinking about an old god in the modern age seeing things like that. Then it went further, what kind of things would a god do now? Would they still, after all these eons be working in 'their field' so to speak? Would Zeus be a tv weatherman? Would Eros run an online dating service? What would you do in this modern age if you'd come from the ancient world & what's more, how do you reconcile going from who you were -regardless of the times- to who you'd be now. Clearly there's no Thor swinging his hammer recently, no Anubis wandering the terminal ward in hospitals, no Apollo riding his chariot across the there? Are they still out in the world? "What if god was one of us?"

-=deleted for the sake of my sanity=-

'What's that about?', right? Well, I just finished writing up a few paragraphs on the whys & wherefores of my plot, but then thought better of it. For any number of reasons, it's probably best not to let the whole thing out in one go. I'll post it, then something totally different will happen in the story &... Anyway. If it sounds like your kind of reading, I've got a spot only where I'm posting it as I write. Nanomail me *points to the 'My NaNo Profile' link to the left*


New Unschooler said...

Hahaha.. I just imagined how pissed off Muslims would be if somebody showed commercials selling "Allah Turbans"